Women’s Ministry- Women's Empowerment Fellowship Vision Statement:

"Seek Him Continually, Serve Him Faithfully, Share Him Boldly."

Bringing women together in Christ for Encouragement, Spiritual growth and Service with a Mission in Mind


A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love on another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another. John 13:34-35


Our Purpose

Women Reaching Women

Our purpose is to bring women of all ages together for fellowship by widening our circle of friends within the church family. To grow and reach out to our friends and family with the message of God’s love as demonstrated through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. To serve God by using our gifts for the benefits of others.

The women’s ministry mission is to unify, connect, and serve the women of The Message Church and our community.

Unify women to discover their God given gifts and talents to build themselves and go into the community.

Connect women by offering meaningful relationships, accountability and acceptance.

Serve to reach others for Christ locally and globally


W.O.A.M meet every other month. These ladies have figured out the secret. . . .LIFE CHANGE happens better in circles, not rows. Come join our “Circle” of friends. 

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